About Us - Vision & Mission

Guidelines for Parents/Guardians:

1. Make sure that your child reaches the school on time and is in full, neat and smart uniform.

2. Check your child’s diary daily and find out what assignments have been given by the teachers.

3. See that the child does his assignment daily.

4. Occasional remarks sent to you by the Principal or the teacher, through diary should be studied carefully and respond promptly.

5. Do not allow your ward to carry valuable articles, extra money and irrelevant books to the school.

6. Please attend parent teacher meeting to know the performance of your ward.

7. Please send your remarks or any other information through the school diary. You must not visit your wards or teaches in the class room without the permission of the Principal.

8. In case of sickness inform the school immediately and later send a medical certificate.

9. The name of the student will be struck off from the school record if they are absent for 7 consecutive days without prior permission.

10. Name of your child will be automatically struck off the roll if fee is not paid by 10th of the following month. In case re-admission is considered, the defaulter will pay all dues, admission fee and further fine of Rs 500/-.

11. Insubordination, cheating, stealing, destruction of school property, regular late coming and other acts of indiscipline will render a student to be expelled from school.

12. On National Holidays like 15th August and 26th January, presence of students is compulsory in the school.

13. Parents may approach Principal in case a Pupil requires additional help to overcome inherent weakness in a subject.

14. Parents are requested not to visit their wards in the class rooms without prior permission from the school.

15. Parents are requested to meet the concern teachers of their wards regularly on specified open days, or as and when requested by school through the Principal or Parent Teacher Meeting.

16. No student is permitted to leave the school premises without permission of the Principal, which may be granted only on basis of written request of the parents. 


Our commitment at AGS,Wayne is to provide collaborative cooperative and supportive environment to Foster innovation as well as as support teaching practices which not only are stimulating and conducive for learning it also ensure that our students grow into autonomous individuals with deep rootedvalue system.

To inspire and motivate children to develop a passion for learning. To inculcate core values of our school – Respect, tolerance and excellence amongst all. Achieve academic excellence and empower students to attain knowledge and skills that will support them to be eminent and loyal citizens of the nation.